Okay, this post is stemming from our own personal experiences, but here at Xperia Blog HQ we have noticed a substantial improvement in Xperia arc battery life over recent weeks compared to when we first started using the handset in early April. So much so, that we are a loss to explain why and therefore wondered whether anyone else had a similar experience.
When we first started using the handset, it would last no more then 15 hours before it was fully depleted. [Note this was after at least 6/7 recharging cycles i.e. once the battery had a chance to bed in properly]. Now check out the screenshots below under a usage pattern that is no different from a month back. All the settings are the same as before and yet we are seeing a substantial improvement in battery life. Today, we have 75% charge left after over 14 hours of use and this has been the norm over the last few weeks. If anyone else has experienced something similar we’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, we’d like to hear from you if your battery life has showed no improvement at all. This one has us scratching our heads…