Xperia PLAY gets HD video recording in Android 2.3.4 update

by XB on 22nd September 2011

in Firmware, Imaging, Videos, Xperia PLAY

The Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY has received a couple of unannounced bonuses in the latest Android 2.3.4 firmware update. The first surprise is that the update brings 720p HD video recording with continuous autofocus. It’s still hard to believe that the PLAY didn’t come with this option out of the box. We’ve attached a (very) short video sample of this below courtesy of a user from xda-developers.

The second surprise is that the Xperia PLAY has received an option to enable/disable the display auto brightness. This was recently included in the Verizon Android 2.3.3 Xperia PLAY update and we did speculate about its absence from other Xperia PLAY handsets globally. This auto brightness setting has not been included in the v2.3.4 firmware for other handsets like the Xperia arc and Xperia neo, so the PLAY has got the exclusive on this one.


Thanks Bashar!

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