Sony Ericsson launches unlocked Xperia ray in United States

by XB on 30th September 2011

in Xperia ray

Xperia raySony Ericsson has released the 3.3-inch Xperia ray into the United States. The phone will not be found on any carrier though, it is being released in a sim-free unlocked version only, where it can be purchased through online retailers such as Newegg for $379.99. The phone is not compatible with T-Mobile’s 1700MHz AWS frequency band, but should work fine on AT&T’s 3G network. It will be available in four colours (gold, black, white and pink) and will come with Android 2.3.4 out of the box.

What this says to us is that, much like the Xperia arc, Sony Ericsson has not managed to get carrier support for this fine phone. The Xperia arc is being sold in the US through similar distribution channels and has so far not seen any operator pick it up. It looks like the same fate will befall the Xperia ray, which is a shame.

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