New Gameloft Xperia PLAY titles will appear in Android Market

by XB on 15th October 2011

in Games, Xperia PLAY

GameloftWhen we recapped six months of usage with the Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, one of our issues was the frustrating process of buying and managing game content. At the moment, if you want to buy a game you have to go to the dedicated store portal from the likes of Gameloft or Electronic Arts.

The historical reason behind this is piracy fears, but it looks like Gameloft may be changing its tune. In responding to a question, Gameloft UK tweeted that all of its “new Xperia Play titles will be available on the Android Market” and that “adding our back catalogue will be case-by-case“. This means new games, and a select-few older games, will now be available on the Android Market as well as the Gameloft store.

We for one applaud this move and hope other publishers follow suit. It is much easier managing content when just dealing with one account. Plus, the Android Market makes it much easier to re-download content compared to the likes of speaking with Gameloft/EA customer reps. Let’s hope that EA has similar moves in the pipeline.

Xperia PLAY Gameloft

Via Pocket Gamer and @XperiaGamer.

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