Xperia sola trademark filed in Europe and the US

by XB on 4th February 2012

in Rumours, Xperia sola

OHIMOne of the upcoming smartphones from Sony will be called the ‘Xperia sola’ according to a recent trademark filing. Xperia sola has been trademarked with both the OHIM and USPTO, the respective trademark offices for the European Union and the United States. Therefore unlike the Xperia ion, which was only trademarked with the USPTO and then saw a US-only release, it looks like the Xperia sola will see a global release.

We’re not sure what the name means, it could be the literal latin meaning (alone) or a cool slant on the word ‘solar’ or something else entirely. We’re also not sure which phone this turns out to be, but maybe we’ll find out in a few weeks at MWC in Barcelona.





Via Fusible.

Thanks Dacha!

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