Xperia S USB OTG demonstrated [Video]

by XB on 9th March 2012

in Accessories, Featured Content, Tips & Tricks, Videos, Xperia S

Xperia S USB OTGOne of the less trumpeted features of the new Sony Xperia S is its USB OTG (On-The-Go) functionality. USB OTG allows you to connect devices together without the need of a PC, the Xperia S in this case acts as a host to connect a USB stick. For those that worry that the 32 GB internal storage of the Xperia S is not enough for your needs, then USB-OTG is a great way to access extra media content.

To demonstrate this feature we published a quick video below that shows how it works. Sony doesn’t have its own file manager, but the free version of Astro is included on the Xperia S when you buy the handset. Once you connect the USB cable adaptor you can connect either a USB stick or a microSD card to USB adaptor. Then you need to browse to the ‘usbdisk’ folder through the Astro file manager to access your USB files. It’s all very simple in practice and it’s great to know that USB OTG is natively supported, unlike the 2011 Xperia range that needed root access for this to work.

If you want to know exactly what accessories you need to get USB OTG working, check out this previous post, which includes a few Amazon product links.


Xperia S USB OTG

Xperia S USB OTG

Xperia S USB OTG

Xperia S USB OTG

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