Sony Mobile launches Augmented Reality marketing campaign in UK

by XB on 15th March 2012

in Applications, Videos, Xperia S

Sony Mobile is starting to make a big splash in marketing the new Xperia S handset. In the UK, the company took a full wrap advert in the free Metro newspaper (one of the most popular morning papers in the UK). However, this is not any ordinary campaign. The advert was done in conjunction with blippar, the augmented reality app.

You can install the app from the Android Market and direct it to the images in the paper to reveal the core watch, play, listen, create features of the handset. If you want to test this for yourself, you can access this morning’s Metro paper here. For ease of use we’ve also included the images below.


Blippar Xperia S

Blippar Xperia S

Blippar Xperia S

Blippar Xperia S

Via The Next Web.

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