Xperia ion released in Taiwan a few days early

by XB on 26th May 2012

in Xperia ion

Xperia ion TaiwanThe Sony Xperia ion should see its commercial launch in Taiwan officially next week, however a lucky few managed to get the handset early through one dealership. You can see the first images of the retail box and what’s inside below.

Those that purchase the handset before the end of June will receive a 5000mAh capacity battery supply. The Xperia ion is expected to be available in Hong Kong next week too, though there is currently no word on whether we’ll see it appear outside these regions.

Xperia ion released in Taiwan

Xperia ion released in Taiwan

Xperia ion released in Taiwan

Xperia ion released in Taiwan

Xperia ion released in Taiwan

Via ePrice.

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