New firmware (6.0.B.3.171) certified for the Xperia go, Xperia P, Xperia sola and Xperia U

by XB on 4th July 2012

in Firmware, Xperia go, Xperia P, Xperia sola, Xperia U

New firmware has been certified for the four Sony Xperia handsets running on the NovaThor chipset – the Xperia P, Xperia U, Xperia sola and soon-to-be-released Xperia go. The new firmware version number of 6.0.B.3.171, comes just a week after the 6.0.B.3.162 firmware rolled out for these handsets. We do not expect this to be the Android 4.0 update, but more of a performance and stability related release.

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