Xperia Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update to introduce new 3.4 kernel

by XB on 13th December 2012

in Android, Firmware, Videos, Xperia E

The guys over at managed to get some hands-on time with a prototype of the Sony Xperia E (C150X) recently, a handset that is due to launch in early 2013. They posted some hands-on video with the device and, with it, a first glimpse at Sony Mobile’s Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update.

Apart from some funky new wallpaper, we didn’t notice anything too different from current firmware apart from some menu changes. Interestingly a reveal of the ‘About’ screen shows that the Xperia E is running a new linux kernel (3.4). The latest kernel on the Xperia T (LT30p) is 3.0.8. Now we don’t know whether this new kernel will make it to all handsets, since the Xperia E is still a prototype, but it gives a good steer nonetheless. Check out the hands-on video below along with a shaky video recording sample from the Xperia E too.



Xperia E ‘About’ screen

Android 4.1.1 Xperia

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