Is Sony Mobile’s 2013 signature power button its new design hallmark?

by XB on 24th January 2013

in News

The Sony Ericsson liquid energy logo was beloved by many. There were a number of people that would have loved to have seen the small green logo carry on being used by Sony, after it formed Sony Mobile. Whilst we saw it appear on last year’s H1 flagship, the ‘Sony’ branded Xperia S, it was removed from other phones that hit the market shortly after.

The question then becomes, what becomes the ‘signature’ of future Sony Xperia phones? Well, according to Wikipedia, the “Sony Mobile Signature Power Button replaces Sony Ericsson Liquid Energy Logo as easy to identify design hallmark.

There’s no doubt that Sony plans to use this classy new power button in much of its 2013 range – after all it has already appeared on the Xperia Z, Xperia ZL and Xperia Tablet Z. However, will we see in all future Xperia phones? This we disagree with. We believe that this new signature power button becomes a design hallmark for 2013, much like the NXT design graced the company’s H1 2012 smartphones such as the Xperia S, P and U.

There’s also no reason why Wikipedia has any real authority or inside track on this, after all, much of the content is user generated. Anyway, it got us thinking, does Sony Mobile need a new logo or design hallmark? Is the ‘Sony’ and ‘Xperia’ branding enough? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this below.

Via Wikipedia.

Thanks Jad!

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