Which Xperia Z feature are you most excited about? [Poll]

by XB on 30th January 2013

in Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

The Sony Xperia Z brings with it a number of firsts for Sony Mobile. The Xperia Z is the first quad-core smartphone from the company, the first with a 5-inch 1080p display and the first adopting its new Exmor RS camera sensor with HDR functionality for both videos and photos.

Add to this a striking design, a water-resistant enclosure and the inclusion of internal storage as well as a micro SD memory card slot and you’ve got a pretty complete package. In fact the only improvements we could think of are a higher capacity battery (the 2330mAh battery may be a weak point) and a dedicated camera button. However, that’s just us being picky.

What we wanted to know from you guys is what is your most valued feature? Which Xperia Z feature has you most excited? Please vote in the poll below, where we’ve listed the five main attractions in our view. We imagine for a lot of you, it is the package of all of these features that is driving your attention. Regardless, we’d love to hear your comments below.

Which Xperia Z feature are you most excited about? [Poll]

[You can select more than one feature]

Which Xperia Z feature are you most excited about?

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