How far would you go for an Xperia Z?

by XB on 12th April 2013

in Videos, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

Xperia Z bugsOkay so you’d like to own a Sony Xperia Z, but it’s a bit out of your price range. No problem, French operator NRJ mobile has you covered. They were handing out Xperia Z’s to anyone who was prepared to do battle with mice, bugs and snakes.

They placed an Xperia Z inside a transparent box alongside vermin and snakes and asked members of the public to try and fish the phone out. If they grabbed it, they could keep it. We’re not sure we could do it, especially with the bugs. We wouldn’t mind trying it with the snakes though as they looked a bit placid, we reckon some ninja reflex skills could win us that prize. Check out the video below.

Thanks @Babylon_Bwoy!

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