Sony releases AOSP for Xperia Z [Video]

by XB on 23rd April 2013

in Android, Videos, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

Xperia Z AOSPSony Mobile has announced that the Xperia Z (C660X) is being treated to some vanilla Android goodness via the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). The code has been made available at Sony’s GitHub and the company is encouraging the developer community to get behind the project.

As you’ll note in the video below, a number of features are working including boot, microSD card, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and the LED light. Whilst the camera and modem also work internally, these rely on proprietary binaries that are not being published right now.

The Xperia Z is the second Sony Xperia phone to get AOSP support, following the Xperia S last year. However, despite the goodwill from the company, not much has come from the Xperia S AOSP project so far, so we hope the Xperia Z AOSP release fares better.

Via Sony Mobile Blog and Sony Developer World.

Thanks to all that sent this in!

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