Xperia C: Hands-on videos

by XB on 9th July 2013

in Hands On, Videos, Xperia C

Xperia C ThumbThe Sony Xperia C (S39h/C2305) will see a very limited release as far as we are aware, hitting China exclusively via carrier China Unicom. The quad-core MediaTek handset is also believed to be heading to other select markets, but we’ve had no definitive word of where exactly that will be.

Anyway, we thought we’d bring you some hands-on videos of the dual-SIM Xperia C in action, since all we have published so far are the press images. RBMen says that in the hand the Xperia C felt quite cheap, despite the press images looking otherwise. The response of the 5-inch qHD touchscreen was good however. The handset was running Android 4.2.2 in the form of build version 16.0.A.0.28. Check out a couple of hands-on videos below.

Via RBMen.

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