Xperia S/SL firmware 6.2.B.1.96 screenshot leaks; said to bring 1080p video fix

by XB on 9th August 2013

in Firmware, Xperia S

Xperia S_6.2.B.1.96Earlier this month, we reported on a new firmware update planned for the Sony Xperia S (LT26i) and Xperia SL (LT26ii). Sony officially confirmed the update will take the form of 6.2.B.1.XX, but didn’t give any hint of an ETA. However, a screenshot of firmware build 6.2.B.1.96 has leaked for the Xperia SL, showing the handset with 3.4 kernel and similar baseband.

According to the poster who leaked the screenshot over at GFAN, the update is believed to have fixed the 1080p video recording bug, the volume up bug as well as bringing other fixes. You can also long press the home button to go to Google Now. He also says it should be out by the end of the month.

Xperia S_6.2.B.1.96


Thanks Aaron!

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