Sony Xperia Tablet S getting new Android 4.1.1 (Release2) update

by XB on 19th August 2013

in Firmware, Sony Tablet

XTS_Android 4.1.1_Release2_1Sony is currently rolling out a new update for the Xperia Tablet S. The Android 4.1.1 (Release2) update mainly resolves an issue where the clock is unable to sync correctly. Other changes includes improvements to the preview window of the camera application and playback of Video Unlimited content. The update is around 430MB and should be available to download now.

XTS_Android 4.1.1_Release2_1

XTS_Android 4.1.1_Release2_2

XTS_Android 4.1.1_Release2_3

Current and previous firmware compared
Kernels appear unchanged

XTS_Android 4.1.1_Release2_4

Thanks @poke612!

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