If you are the recent owner of a Sony Xperia Z1, Xperia Z Ultra or Xperia Tablet Z then we just wanted to remind you to make sure that you take advantage of Sony’s exclusive entertainment offer. This involves a 60-day trial for Music Unlimited, 5 free movies in Video Unlimited plus an additional movie pass in December and 10 free PlayStation Mobile games.
To download this media you will need to install the Xperia Privilege app (if it wasn’t already pre-installed on your phone). We had to clear the app’s cache and data before we could get it to work. As long as you are in a country where the promotion is live (see below for further details), you will then get the option to download your free movies and 60-day music trial. See below for further information.
Exclusive entertainment pack for Sony Xperia Z1, Xperia Z Ultra and Xperia Tablet Z
Music Unlimited offer – 60 days free
Promotion period: 16 September 2013 to 31 December 2013. Vouchers can be redeemed until 31 January 2014
Valid in following countries: United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Mexico and Brazil.
Video Unlimited – 5 free movies
Video Unlimited: Download five free movies including Django Chained, The Amazing Spider-Man, Total Recall, Easy A and Superbad (in Germany, you get 2012 instead of Superbad). There will also be an additional movie download in December.
Promotion period: 16 September 2013 to 31 December 2013. Vouchers can be redeemed until 31 January 2014
Valid in following countries: United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Germany, France and Italy.