Xperia Z Ultra’s Power Cover CP12 gets a hands-on video

by XB on 15th October 2013

in Accessories, Videos, Xperia Z Ultra

Xperia Z Ultra Power Cover CP12We recently reported on a new accessory for the Sony Xperia Z Ultra called the Power Cover CP12. As the name suggests, the CP12 is a protective case that also includes a 3000mAh embedded battery, providing extra juice for the handset when needed. It also includes an extendable stylus in the case and it can be folded back to be used as a desk stand.

We are still waiting for official launch details including price and availability, but in the meantime a hands-on video of the power cover has appeared. It shows how the Xperia Z Ultra fits into the case, as well as giving an idea of the extra thickness added. There is also a button that can be pressed to provide extra charge as desired. As soon as we have more information on the case, including release date, we’ll let you know.

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