Documents relating to a “Sony SGP412” have passed through the United States FCC (Federal Communications Commission), which appears to be a Wi-Fi only version of the Xperia Z Ultra. The description used in the documents is a “Portable UMPC Device“, which certainly appears to class this as a mini-tablet rather than smartphone with cellular capabilities.
The model number is also in the same vein as Sony’s tablet devices, for example the Wi-Fi only Xperia Tablet Z has model numbers SGP311 (16GB) and SGP312 (32GB). Assuming the same applies to the SGP412 would mean that this Xperia Z Ultra would come with 32GB internal storage.
The move to create a wireless-only Xperia Z Ultra wouldn’t be a crazy one – after all the Xperia Z Ultra’s display size of 6.44-inches is not that far off the Nexus 7 with its 7.02-inch display. We also have seen some pictures of both side-by-side in the past which puts the Z Ultra in favourable light (cost aside).
The Xperia Z Ultra has a superb form-factor with premium materials and removing the cellular capability would mean that pricing would be that much more competitive. It would be a shame to see all of Sony’s engineer and design efforts for the Xperia Z Ultra disappear to its high cost for what is currently a niche device. However, pitching it as a mini tablet could bring it to a much wider and deserved audience. Time will tell whether anything comes of this.
Thanks Ben!