Xperia M update now rolling (15.1.C.2.8)

by XB on 13th November 2013

in Firmware, Xperia M

Xperia M_15.1.C.2.8Following on from the Xperia M dual (C200X) firmware update that was released this morning (15.2.A.2.5), there is now an update rolling for the single-SIM Xperia M (C190X).

Build version 15.1.C.2.8 is still based on Android 4.1.2 for those getting their hopes up, but at this point we don’t know what has been improved from the previous build (15.1.C.1.17). If anyone has this update let us know how you’re getting on.

_AboutXperia M_15.1.C.2.8

Xperia M_15.1.C.2.8

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