Xperia SP Android 4.3 update starts rolling with build 12.1.A.0.266 [Update]

by XB on 11th February 2014

in Android, Featured Content, Xperia SP

Xperia SP Android 4.3_12.1.A.0.266Sony Xperia SP owners your time has come. The Android 4.3 firmware update has started to roll out in the form of build number 12.1.A.0.266. At the moment the update has only hit Australia, but expect availability to widen over the coming days. We haven’t got our hands on Android 4.3 yet, so if you’ve managed to download it, please post impressions and pictures in the comments below.

Update: Users who have tried to update their handsets using the Australian customisation number in build.prop, have ended up re-downloading Android 4.1.2. This could be a premature release from Sony, which was subsequently pulled. Assume that is the case until we have evidence of someone actually downloading and installing this update.

Update 2: Ignore us, it’s real check out the screenshot below. For more pictures click here.

Update 3: The FTF firmware file can be downloaded from here. [Thanks DooM!]


Xperia SP Android 4.3_12.1.A.0.266

Thanks levered!

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