Xperia Updatechecker tool helps you check on that firmware update

by XB on 20th February 2014

in Applications, Firmware

Xperia Update Checker XUCMacmol from XDA recently created a very handy tool that allows you to check whether a firmware update is available for your Sony Xperia handset. It allows you to check for updates across various regions and carriers. We already know a number of you already using it, so you may want to know that version 1.5.0 is now live and should be speedier than before. You will need to update your clients, as the older clients will not connect to the new database.

Hopefully, this should stop people asking us when the next update is coming, as you can check for yourself. New Xperia devices are being added all of the time, but the Xperia Update Checker already includes a lengthy list of models to check.

XUC also allows you to add your own customisation numbers to check whether an update is available for you particular handset without connecting it to your PC. The tool also allows you to add your own firmware links for each device. It’s an incredibly useful tool and if you want to download it for yourself click here.

Xperia Update Checker XUC

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