Sony has launched a big update for the company’s Movies app, which moves from build version 5.3.A.0.20 to 6.2.A.0.8. New highlights include an overhauled user experience, allowing users to swipe right to bring up a drawer menu and the ability to pinch/zoom icons (similar to the Albums app). There is also improved player control, pinch gestures can be used for zooming in/out as well as searching scenes. The apk can be downloaded here.
The Video Unlimited app also saw a big update moving it to version 11.0.B.0.4. Improvements have been made to screen layouts, such as TV show listings. Some people are reporting that they have received the update, but are unable to access content. If you’ve downloaded the update, let us know how you’ve got on in the comments below.
Movies app update to version 6.2.A.0.8
Video Unlimited app updated to version 11.0.B.0.4
Thanks Ben, Deki, Felipe, Mohammed, Rinku Singh and all others that sent this in!