New firmware (10.4.C.0.808) certified for North American Xperia Z (C66X6)

by XB on 16th April 2014

in Firmware, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL

Xperia Z_10.4.C.0.808The North American Xperia Z (C6606, C6616) has seen a bunch of firmware builds certified recently, without release. We first had 10.4.C.0.793, then 10.4.C.0.797 and now a couple of new firmware builds have been certified including builds 10.4.C.0.800 and 10.4.C.0.808. Given the change in version number, each appears to be incremental updates over its predecessor, so perhaps Sony is finessing the firmware before release. We’ll let you know if/when the update lands.

Xperia Z_10.4.C.0.808

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