KitKat firmware (10.5.A.0.227) certified for Xperia Z, ZL, ZR and Tablet Z

by XB on 30th April 2014

in Android, Firmware, Sony Tablet, Xperia Z and Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR

Xperia Z_10.5.A.0.227The Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware update has been certified by the PTCRB for a number of Sony Xperia devices including the Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR and Xperia Tablet Z. The same firmware build (10.5.A.0.227) has been certified across all devices, this is the same firmware that leaked recently for the Xperia Z, so there is no question this is KitKat. Also the date of the certification means that the firmware should be on track to launch in May 2014, which was Sony’s release date. We’ll let you know once it starts rolling.

Android 4.4.2 KitKat build 10.5.A.0.227 certified for Xperia Z (C6602, C6603, C6606, C6616)

Xperia Z_10.5.A.0.227

Android 4.4.2 KitKat build 10.5.A.0.227 certified for Xperia ZL (C6502, C6503, C6506)

Xperia ZL_10.5.A.0.227

Android 4.4.2 KitKat build 10.5.A.0.227 certified for Xperia ZR (C5502, C5503)

Xperia ZR_10.5.A.0.227

Android 4.4.2 KitKat build 10.5.A.0.227 certified for Xperia Tablet Z (SGP321, SGP341, SGP351)

Xperia Tablet Z_10.5.A.0.227

Thanks difwwh, DooMLoRD, Nawi, Sasa and Soheil!

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