FreeXperia veteran developer Alin Jerpelea joins Sony

by XB on 2nd June 2014

in News

Alin_660x384The name ‘Jerpelea’ will be familiar to anyone that has followed the Sony Xperia scene since the X10 days. Alin Jerpelea is one of the founders of the FreeXperia project and has been helping with Xperia CyanogenMod custom firmware development for a number of years. That dedication and passion has been recognised by Sony, who announced earlier today that Jerpelea will be joining its Developer Program.

Jerpelea will be helping Sony in the open source segment: “I am really excited to join Sony, and to get this chance to work full time with Xperia devices and AOSP is amazing. I look forward to utilising my knowledge and experience to help Sony further drive open source initiatives,” says Alin Jerpelea.

Sony’s Head of Developer Relations, Karl-Johan Dahlström, was equally enthused: “I am very happy that Alin is joining us, as this is a great way for us to increase our activity on Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and other open source initiatives. It will also make it possible for us to work even closer to the community in this area.

In case you might be wondering, nothing will change with FreeXperia. The team has commented that it will continue to work on the devices it has and that the weekly CyanogenMod releases will continue.

The Xperia Blog team wishes Alin Jerpelea the best of luck in his new role.

Thanks Abdul and Saif!

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