Xperia Z2 disassembly video

by XB on 12th July 2014

in Tips & Tricks, Videos, Xperia Z2

Xperia Z2 disassemblyWe have already posted an Xperia Z2 disassembly guide earlier in the year, but if you do want to embark on dismantling your beloved Xperia Z2 then sometimes it’s easier to follow a video demo. This is where the following Xperia Z2 disassembly video comes into play.

It has been produced by smartphone spare-parts specialist, Witrigs. The 17-minute video does a great job of guiding you through the steps needed to remove the back cover to get access to the motherboard, cameras, earpiece, vibrator, loudspeaker and more. Very handy if your Xperia Z2 is in need of repair.

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