Has Sony canned its Xperia Z2 wireless charging accessories?

by XB on 14th July 2014

in Accessories, Problems, Xperia Z2

Sony-Wireless-Charging-Cover-WCR12_7-640x300Sony has been lining up a couple of accessories that would enable Xperia Z2 users to charge their device wirelessly using the Qi wireless charging standard. This includes the Wireless Charging Cover WCR12 for the Xperia Z2 and a Wireless Charging Plate WCH10 (which would work with any Qi-enabled device).

However, whilst we have been awaiting the launch of these accessories, it looks like Sony has had a change of heart. All links to both products have been pulled by Sony. The product page for the WCR12 Wireless Charging Cover here and WCH10 Wireless Charging Plate here are both dead. The same applies for the YouTube promo video here and the original launch announcement from the Sony Mobile Blog here.

We’ve reached out to some retail partners and so far they are not reporting that the items are discontinued, but it’s hard to believe otherwise. If Sony was delaying the item, we wouldn’t see all of these links die suddenly. Nope, this seems definitive to us – Sony has canned these accessories.

Perhaps, Sony discovered a flaw and decided to pull both products. This is something we saw recently with the Sony BKC50 Bluetooth Keyboard with Tablet Cover Stand. Or maybe Sony doesn’t want to take the shine off an upcoming handset launch (Xperia Z3?) which may also feature the accessory – or even better, wireless charging could even be integrated. We don’t know the reasons behind the move, but hopefully all will become clear later in the year.

Thanks difwwh!

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