Report: Sprint and SoftBank to carry the Xperia Z3

by XB on 29th August 2014

in Rumours, Xperia Z3 series

softbanksprintSony Mobile’s big focus is to get greater carrier support for its mobile devices. Whilst the company has had good support in Europe and parts of Asia, it hardly has any presence in the United States.

Well it looks like Sony will get support from Sprint in the US and SoftBank in Japan for an upcoming model (SoftBank and Sprint announced a merger last year). Reuters is reporting that a Sony Xperia handset will be sold on both carriers for the very first time, likely to be the Xperia Z3.

What is unclear at this stage is whether this is an exclusive arrangement in the US, much like T-Mobile has had in the past, or whether this is a first indication of wider US carrier support for one of Sony’s handsets. Reuters reports that four of its sources say Sony’s next flagship phone will be available in time “for the winter holiday season in both countries.

Thanks Hendra!

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