Minor Xperia T3 update (18.1.A.1.23) certified as builds 18.1.A.1.21 and 18.2.A.1.18 are released

by XB on 29th September 2014

in Firmware, Xperia T3

Xperia T3 PTCRBThe LTE-enabled Sony Xperia T3 (D5103, D5106) has recently seen a new update in the form of build number 18.1.A.1.21, likewise the HSPA+ Xperia T2 (D5102) saw a move to build number 18.2.A.1.18. These were just minor bug-fixing updates.

Well it looks like another is on the way for the LTE Xperia T3, as build number 18.1.A.1.23 has been certified by the PTCRB website. Once again, this looks like a bug-fixing update so don’t expect any big changes.

Xperia T3 PTCRB

Thanks Ben!

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