Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact updated to build 23.0.A.2.105

by XB on 5th October 2014

in Firmware, Xperia Z3 series

DSC_0036~54Sony Xperia Z3 (D6603) and Xperia Z3 Compact (D5803) owners in the UK are receiving a day-one firmware update to their handsets, moving the build number from 23.0.A.2.93 or 23.0.A.2.98 to 23.0.A.2.105.

Sony hasn’t updated its support pages for this firmware, so we don’t have a changelog. However, users that have downloaded the update report no noticeable changes over the previous version. Whilst this build has only been released in the UK so far for both handsets, there is a good chance it will roll to other regions shortly.


Via XDA (1 and 2).

Thanks Ghani, Jozef and Mohit!

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