WALKMAN app updated (8.4.A.5.3) to boost start-up times

by XB on 21st October 2014

in Applications

WALKMAN_8.4.A.5.3_2Sony has updated its WALKMAN application, moving the build number from 8.4.A.4.4 to 8.4.A.5.3. The new update significantly increases start-up time according to Sony, as well as providing a better overview in Walkman home with fewer items. Sony still gives you the option to open the full list view. The 12.3MB update is currently rolling out to a number of Sony Xperia devices.


WALKMAN_8.4.A.5.3_1 WALKMAN_8.4.A.5.3_2

WALKMAN_8.4.A.5.3_3 WALKMAN_8.4.A.5.3_4

Thanks ?@hikari0102!

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