Xperia Z3 drop test: phone nearly holds out till the end

by XB on 23rd December 2014

in Videos, Xperia Z3 series

Xperia Z3 drop testDespite the Xperia Z3 being released months ago, we have only just now seen a decent drop test video for the device. The video below isn’t in English, but you’ll easily get the jist if you’ve seen any drop test video before. The handset is dropped at various heights to see how much punishment the Xperia Z3 can take.

The build quality of the Xperia Z3 shines through, but it is not indestructible. It finally succumbs after a fifth drop from above head height with the person standing on a park bench. Pretty impressive, especially considering the glass front and back construction. Check out the video below.

Via Digiato [via PhoneArena].

Thanks Armaan!

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