Get £5 off these Xperia Z3 & Z3 Compact Accessory Packs

by XB on 1st January 2015

in Accessories

Xperia Z3 accessory packIf you recently found a Sony Xperia Z3 or Xperia Z3 Compact under your Christmas tree and are in the need for a few accessories, then you may want to check out these Ultimate Accessory Packs from Mobile Fun.

This includes a Polycarbonate Case, 5 x MFX Screen Protectors, Car Charger, Car Holder, Desk Holder and Mini Portable Desk Stand and Stylus all for £19.99. However, Xperia Blog readers can get an extra £5 off by entering the code XPERIABLOG5. This will bring the price down to £14.99. The code expires tonight at midnight (GMT). You’ll find the links to each pack below.

The Ultimate Sony Xperia Z3 Accessory Pack

The Ultimate Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Accessory Pack

Xperia Z3 accessory pack

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