Xperia C3 Lollipop screenshots emerge – could it be landing after all?

by XB on 7th March 2015

in Android, Firmware, Xperia C3

Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_3New screenshots have leaked showing what looks like official Android 5.0 Lollipop Sony firmware running on the Xperia C3 (D2533). The user interface and features looks exactly like what we have seen over the last week at MWC from the Lollipop builds on display. The handset is running Lollipop firmware build 19.3.A.0.222, compared to the current KitKat build version of 19.2.1.A.0.72.

The move from 19.2.X.X.X.XX to 19.3.X.X.XXX suggests that this would indeed be a major Android firmware upgrade. Yesterday, we brought you news that Sony does not plan to upgrade the 2014 non-Xperia Z series line to Android Lollipop at least according to its social teams. Obviously, Sony’s social media reps have been wrong about big firmware updates in the past.

The emergence of these screenshots could signify that Sony is indeed planning to upgrade select 2014 non-Xperia Z handsets, but it may arrive much later down the road. On the other hand, it could be the case that Sony has been internally testing Lollipop on some of the low/mid-range Xperia devices and has yet to make a formal decision about whether it releases Lollipop or not on these handsets.

We have been down this road in the past with the Xperia PLAY and more recently the Xperia SP, so don’t get too excited just because of these screenshots. We’ll bring you any official news on the 2014 non-Xperia Z series Lollipop plans as soon as we have it.

Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_1 Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_2

Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_3 Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_4

Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_5 Xperia C3 Lollipop_19.3.A.0.222_6

Via IT168.

Thanks Aession!

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