Sony Mobile has not officially confirmed whether or not the Xperia M2 (D230X) will see the Android Lollipop firmware, but in the meantime a small update is on the horizon. Firmware build number 18.3.1.A.1.9 has been certified for the Xperia M2 by the PTCRB, which compares to current build number 18.3.1.A.1.7.
In addition, the Xperia M2 Dual (D2302) has seen firmware build number 18.3.1.B.1.10 certified, compared to current build 18.3.1.B.1.8. As you can tell from the movement in build numbers these look like minor releases. We’ll let you know if/when the firmware goes live.
Xperia M2 firmware build 18.3.1.A.1.9 certified for D2305 variant
Xperia M2 Dual (D2302) firmware build 18.3.1.B.1.10 certified
Thanks galaxyfreak!