More details on Recovery mode for select Xperia devices

by XB on 18th May 2015

in Firmware, Tips & Tricks, Videos

Recovery_Phone_smallRecently, we brought word that Sony Mobile had started to officially support recovery mode within its bootloaders. Recovery mode can be very helpful for those wanting to flash custom ROMs and restoring back-up data. It also allows users to test new (and potentially unstable) kernels with the comfort of moving back to a stable kernel.

Recovery mode is already available for a number of devices through Sony’s version of Flash tool (unlocked bootloader is required). This includes the Xperia Z1, Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia E3, Xperia M2, Xperia T2 Ultra and Xperia T3. More device support is expected in due course.

For further details hit the source link below. It’s great to see Sony continuing its strong support on the developer scene. Karl-Johan Dahlström, Head of Developer Relations, had this to say: “Our overall goal with the open device program is to offer a development environment similar to the one for Nexus devices. Now, by making it much easier to debug, we hope this will further encourage innovation and kernel development on Xperia devices”.

Via Sony Developer World.

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