Xperia Z1 and Z Ultra sees firmware update 14.5.A.0.283 roll to selected carriers

by XB on 17th June 2015

in Firmware, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z1

Xperia Z1 firmwareFirmware build number 14.5.A.0.283 started to roll for the Sony Xperia Z1 Compact yesterday and now the update has landed on both the Xperia Z1 (C6903) and Xperia Z Ultra (C6833). As before, the update is only live on selected carriers including T-Mobile networks in Austria, Germany, Netherlands and others across Eastern Europe. It is also live on Cosmote Greece. So far the ‘283’ firmware looks like a carrier-only update, but we’ll let you know if that changes. In the meantime, if you’ve downloaded the update, please let us know your comments below.

Xperia Z1 firmware

Thanks Bence and stamppot!

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