Sony’s “Live screen streaming” app allows mobile gamers to stream live [Update]

by XB on 7th July 2015

in Applications, Imaging

Live screen streaming_0_resultSony Mobile has released a new application called “Live screen streaming”. The app is for all of those mobile gamers out there, wanting to stream their favourites games to either Twitch or YouTube. The app is not only limited to gaming, you can pretty much broadcast anything you are doing on your smartphone or tablet. The app is not live in all regions, but you can check on the Google Play Store.

Update: Sony has confirmed that the app will currently on work with the latest devices including the Xperia Z3+, Xperia Z4, Xperia Z4v (not released yet) and Xperia Z4 Tablet.

DOWNLOAD APK: Live screen streaming (2.0.0.A.2.9)

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Thanks Rimaz!

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