Xperia Z3 Plus owners take matters into their own hands to combat heat issues

by XB on 21st July 2015

in Problems, Xperia Z4 and Z3+ series

Xperia Z3+ Throttling_2Some Sony Xperia Z3+ owners are claiming that there is an inexpensive and quick way to get around the throttling seen in the handset. The use of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chipset combined with an ever-thinner chassis has meant that Sony has had to throttle performance to avoid excessive heat build-up in the Xperia Z3+. Sony hasn’t been able to completely control the situation though, with many users complaining of intensive apps force-closing if used for long periods, including the camera.

XDA member schecter7 has tried to get around this problem by using some simple kitchen foil and a case for the phone. Several layers of foil (six in total) were applied to the rear of the phone and held in place using an Xperia Z3+ case. He then ran several benchmark tests to check the relative performance drop comparing 1) the phone on its own, 2) the phone with a case and 3) the phone with foil inside the case.

The results show that the relative performance drop using foil is lower than without it. Without foil, the performance was 75% of the initial test, whilst with foil 80% of the initial performance test was maintained. Another user has chimed in claiming similar performance benefits using copper foil.

So if the Xperia Z3+ heat issues have been giving you trouble, you may want to try this DIY method to drive better performance. Do be aware that if you do try this, you will not be able to use NFC.

Throttling results – Xperia Z3+ naked

Xperia Z3+ No Case

Throttling results – Xperia Z3+ with case

Xperia Z3+ With Case

Throttling results – Xperia Z3+ with case and foil

Xperia Z3+ With Case and Foil

Foil used to drive better Xperia Z3+ performance

Xperia Z3+ Throttling_2

Via XDA.

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