Sony Mobile India has today announced that the Xperia M5 Dual (E5663) will be landing in the country. The official price point for the handset is Rs. 37,990 (£372, €512, $572) and is expected to be available in black, white and gold colours. The price point doesn’t appear to be particularly competitive, given the number of low-cost competitors in the Indian market – are you thinking of buying one?
The Xperia M5 Dual has also been released into Hong Kong today for HK$ 3,698 (£310, €427, $477) in all three colours.
Update: The Sony Xperia M5 Dual was also released into Malaysia for RM 1,599 (inclusive of GST).
Two huge cameras, water proof, faster in processing & slow in discharging. Presenting #XperiaM5 – MRP 37990/- only.
— Sony Xperia India (@SonyXperiaIndia) September 9, 2015
Thanks ArshaaVarun, Ben, Dhruvil, Shah, Ujas and Wan!