Theme Creator BETA update (0.7.0) adds enhanced previews, Lollipop support for template files and more

by XB on 2nd October 2015

in Applications

ThemeCreator070Promo_660x384-660x384Sony Mobile has updated its “Theme Creator”, currently in beta stage to version 0.7.0. Theme Creator is a free tool that allows users to create and publish their own Xperia Themes.

The latest version introduces a number of changes including enhanced previews of components (buttons, switches, text fields) to quickly verify your design and how it fits with the rest of the UI. It also includes Android Lollipop support for Adobe Photoshop template files.

Other changes include the ability to export signed theme APKs directly from the tool, Android debug bridge (adb) integration and update notifications for the tool. If you want to find out more information hit the source link below.

Via Sony Developer World.

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