The PTCRB certification website has been a key source of firmware update news for Sony Xperia devices ever since the Xperia X10 launched. However, the site has made a fundamental change recently, which will make it that much harder to monitor new firmware releases. It has removed the certification date for each firmware release, which means you can no longer quickly scan to see if a new update is out.
You now have to know what the latest firmware release is for a particular device, so that you can determine whether a new update is imminent or not. This is fine if you are only looking at one device, but when you are scanning pretty much all of the Xperia variants released in the last few years, like we do, it makes it very time consuming.
We’re not sure why the PTCRB has changed this disclosure, but it affects all certifications on its site, not just Sony Xperia models. It means that, more than ever, we will need your help if you notice a new firmware certification for a particular device. Any tips are gratefully received at our contact page, as always.