How well does Xperia Z5 Premium upscale to 4K? Check out a comparison against iPhone 6s Plus

by XB on 11th November 2015

in Xperia Z5 series

4K-Logo jpgThe Sony Xperia Z5 Premium is the first smartphone to be released that incorporates a 4K resolution display. It has a resolution of 2160 x 3840 pixels giving an insane 806 PPI pixel density. To preserve battery life, the Xperia Z5 Premium does not display the OS or apps at native 4K resolution. The native 4K resolution is only used for 4K video that you can stream (e.g. YouTube) or captured yourself.

As most content is displayed in FHD 1080p, Sony uses an automatic upscaling feature so that it can be enjoyed using the full 4K display. The question then becomes: If most of the content I view will be FHD, what benefit will I see from the 4K display? Well to help answer that question, ePrice decided to test the Xperia Z5 Premium against the Apple iPhone 6s Plus.

They took some lower resolution content and then compared the upscaled output on the 4K display of the Xperia Z5 Premium against the FHD display of the iPhone 6s Plus. We have included some of the comparison below (click the source link for the full suite of images), but we think the results speak for themselves.

The comparisons shown below show a 720p video, News app video and a 2MP photo compared on both devices. A crop is included to the right of each image to give a sense of difference between both devices. Even without clicking on the images below, you should be able to tell the difference quite clearly. Sony appears to do a great job with its upscaling processing to give a more defined picture on the Xperia Z5 Premium. It shows that even with low-resolution standard definition content, the Xperia Z5 Premium should do a sterling job of making it look good.

720p Video: iPhone 6 Plus (Top) vs. Xperia Z5 Premium (Bottom)

[Click to enlarge]

720p Video_i6sPlus

720p Video_XZ5P

News App: iPhone 6 Plus (Top) vs. Xperia Z5 Premium (Bottom)

[Click to enlarge]

News App_i6sPlus

News App_XZ5P

2MP Photo: iPhone 6 Plus (Top) vs. Xperia Z5 Premium (Bottom)

[Click to enlarge]

2MP Photo_i6sPlus

2MP Photo_XZ5P

Via ePrice.

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