Sony Mobile already has a strong reputation when it comes to the battery longevity of its mobile products. The good news is that Sony is looking to take that a step further in the future, with the development of new high-capacity rechargeable battery for smartphones.
The new battery uses a sulphur (S) compound as the electrode material allowing Sony to increase energy density per volume from the current 700Wh/L to 1,000Wh/L. This means that battery life capacity will increase by up to 40% compared to its lithium-ion equivalents.
Sony is developing both lithium-sulphur (Li-S) and magnesium-sulphur (Mg-S) batteries. However, before you get too excited and start factoring this into your next Xperia ‘wishlist’, Sony doesn’t plan to commercialise this technology until 2020.
Via Nikkei.
Thanks Great Dude, Hendra, mrninko and ramuk!