Xperia X heavily promoted in the UEFA Champions League

by XB on 27th April 2016

in Videos, Xperia X series

Xperia-UEFA-Champions-LeagueThe UEFA Champions League is probably the biggest club football (or soccer if you prefer) competition in the world. Sony has sponsored the competition for many years, but it started to promote the Xperia brand for the first time at the start of this season back in October 2015.

This week, we are at the semi-final stage of the competition and interestingly Sony has heavily promoted the upcoming Xperia X on the pitch-side digital billboards. The handset was seen in the match yesterday between Manchester City vs. Real Madrid and also in tonight’s game (Atletico Madrid vs. Bayern Munich). It’s great to see Sony build awareness of the device, even though it’s not due to hit the market for another month or so.

Sony Mobile has also been running another promotion aligned with this called the “Xperia Champions Sofa”. Sony set up Xperia smartphones in the homes of five sets of fans to record their genuine reactions to watching the game on the sofa. If you want to see the highlights from yesterday’s game, see the video below. The live stream can be caught at #ChampionsSofa.

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Xperia X Champions League_2

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