Xperia Beta update released allowing all apps to SD card (23.5.A.1.203)

by XB on 8th June 2016

in Firmware, Xperia Z2, Xperia Z3 series

Xperia Z3 Beta_23.5.A.1.203_3Sony Mobile released an Xperia Beta update last week, as expected. The update with build number 23.5.A.1.203 is available for beta users of users of the Xperia Z2 (D6503), Z3 (D6603) and Z3 Compact (D5803).

As mentioned previously, this update includes around 400 fixes and improvements. One of these includes the option to transfer apps to the SD card. However, don’t confuse this with adoptable storage, as Sony devs have said that there are no plans to implement it. This SD card feature is similar to that already seen in Android Lollipop. The update should be out to all Beta users now.

Xperia Z3 Beta_23.5.A.1.203_1 Xperia Z3 Beta_23.5.A.1.203_2

Xperia Z3 Beta_23.5.A.1.203_3 Xperia Z3 Beta_23.5.A.1.203_4

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