Summer Xperia Theme is one of the nicest we have seen for a while

by XB on 10th June 2016

in Applications

Summer Xperia Theme_1Sony has released a new Xperia Theme called “Summer”, which is one of the most elegant and well thought themes we have seen in a while. As a lot of people’s thoughts turns to the sunshine, especially if you’re living anywhere in the Northern half of Europe, Sony’s ‘Summer’ theme uses some beautiful wallpaper and lockscreens to get you in the mood for upcoming holidays.

Sony has used some nice icon designs too, like the wave icon for the app tray and the sunshine icons to show which home screen you are in. The app tray itself has numerous holiday themed icons including sunglasses, palm trees , ice cream and parasols. The Summer Xperia Theme is available to download right now through the Google Play Store.

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Thanks Erizont0218!

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