Xperia Beta update with ‘Soft Charging’ feature now rolling (23.5.A.1.238)

by XB on 21st June 2016

in Firmware, Xperia Z2, Xperia Z3 series

Sony Xperia Beta 23.5.A.1.238_3Sony Mobile is now rolling the Beta Marshmallow firmware update for the Xperia Z2, Z3 and Z3 Compact with build number 23.5.A.1.238. As we reported on yesterday, this new update includes a new feature called ‘soft charging’ which has been designed to extend the life of your battery.

The feature can be switched on/off under a “Charging optimisation” setting. However, Sony warns that when switched on, you may find that the battery life per charge may be lower than what you are used to. The new update also includes the latest Xperia Home launcher with landscape support as well as a number of bug fixes and improvements. The update should hit all of those in the beta program over the next couple of days.

Sony Xperia Beta 23.5.A.1.238_1 Sony Xperia Beta 23.5.A.1.238_2

Sony Xperia Beta 23.5.A.1.238_3 Sony Xperia Beta 23.5.A.1.238_4

When you first boot your phone post the update, you will receive a notification informing you that “Charging optimization” is enabled. You can disable this in “Settings > About phone > Status > Charging optimization”.

Sony Xperia Beta 23.5.A.1.238_5

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